Hi there and Welcome to my Blog. My name is Ross Davis, and this is the one place that all those who attend our Duet Images Camera and Photography Seminars can see the latest updates of Camera Gear news (without the technical jargon), Photography Tips and feedback on anything to do with our Education, or what you have found useful to help take better Photos. Reach me Ross Davis at education@duetimages.com or post your questions here

Photography Seminars Melbourrne

Thank you to to all of your who attended our seminars this weekend!  It was great to meet you all and help you make the most of your cameras!  We started by looking at how our cameras work, so we can understand how to take control rather than just letting the camera doing its own thing.  We also covered exposure and composition and outlined simple ways to improve the images you take of your families.

For those of you who attended, please feel free to post any follow-up queries in the comments area below this post and I will respond to you as soon as I can.  By keeping these questions on this blog, I hope that we can share information amongst those of you who have similar questions!

Happy picture taking and see you next weekend for the next round of our introductory seminars to this wonderful world of photography! 

Cheers Roscoe

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ross

    I recently attended your 2 hour session. It was of immense help. Let me know when you decide on the 1 fully day course.

    In the meantime I am planning to buy a SLR Camera; I am willing to spend up to $ 1000. I have come across the following website and their prices seem to be reasonable. However, quite confused to decide the correct camera. Here is the website details:


    Please suggest which camera to buy from the above website.

    Thank you for the help.

    Kind regards



Please add your questions or comments here