Hi there and Welcome to my Blog. My name is Ross Davis, and this is the one place that all those who attend our Duet Images Camera and Photography Seminars can see the latest updates of Camera Gear news (without the technical jargon), Photography Tips and feedback on anything to do with our Education, or what you have found useful to help take better Photos. Reach me Ross Davis at education@duetimages.com or post your questions here

Using your Camera to sell products on eBay ?

If you are using your Camera to generate some cash and help sell something on auction sites like eBay - just remember to use a small aperture value (f11 or f22) to get as much of the product in-focus as you can. This helps your potential clients see the product in the best possible way.  Remember to shoot the product from different angles, and with as plain a background as possible - ideally close-up on Macro mode


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